Sunday, December 16, 2007

Alive and kicking...

Hi there!
I've been out of action for a while. Got bogged down by this "laryngotracheal bronchitis" (croup) thing. Yeah, what the hell is that anyway? I'm fine now. Nothing that a few trips to the clinic and prescription meds can't fix.
Here's a short video of me and dad celebrating my recovery with a well-earned custard pudding.

PS: Stay tuned for some Christmas stuff... I have a long list for Santa this year. He better use his heavy-duty sleigh!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Visit from Andy & the gang from Singapore

On Sunday the 2nd, dad's friend Andy from university came to Japan with his family. They live in Singapore. I hear it's hot and humid there, but very clean and lots of fun! We all had dinner at a local "Hot Springs Town", where we wore "yukatas" and sat on tatami mats to eat. I took advantage of the situation to run around the room and give mom some exercise too.

I also made some new friends, Germaine and Kristele. They're both very nice and we played hide and seek after dinner. Kristele held my hand when walking back to the car.... I think she likes me!

I can't wait to see them again, hopefully in Singapore. I really want to see that Merlion thingy. You can catch a few more photos of all of us here: