Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Gee.... Feels like ages since my last post. I guess that's because it has been ages!!!

First, I hope you all had a great Christmas. Santa was very generous this year. I got my plarail trains, some Legos and the Curious George collection! Plus some stocking stuffers. Santa must have been hungry, since he ate all the cookies I put on the table the night before and the glass was empty too!

On the 23rd, we celebrated Dad's birthday. There's a picture below of me & him with the cake, which was delicious by the way. On the same day, I managed to get on a "slinky" bus in Makuhari and a few days before that, we went to Ikspiari where I ran into the usual rodent suspects.

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2009.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Happy Halloween!

May Halloween bring you all the candy you can overdose on....

We don't trick 'or' treat here in Japan, but I know where the goodies are located in the supermarket. Lookout Ito Yokado!

Busy... busy... busy...

Hi there!
The posts are trickling in, but the action never stops.
I've been busy over the past few months or so and would like to share a bit of that action with you.

September 16

My dad's friends from Melbourne, John & Judy, had a short layover in Tokyo on their way to Europe. Dad showed them around town and we had dinner together the night before their flight out. They were very nice and got me lots of goodies, including my "Possum Magic" book. Can't wait to see them again!

October 12 - Andersen Park in Funabashi
We went to a local amusement park for a bit of fun. My highlights included giving mom a ride in a bus (yes, I was driving!), taking a ride on a miniature train, driving a motorcycle with training wheels and cruising on a big Koala.

October 18 - Futaba Day-care "Sports" Day
Although it meant I had to go to the day-care on a Saturday, I still had fun at our sports festival. There several performances from all grades. My class sang the "Pung-yo" song and had a race to see who could get into a superhero costume the fastest. Grandma even came from Osaka to see me compete! Check out the video.

Superhero Costume Race Video

October 22 - Disney Sea with Mom & Dad
I'm becoming a veteran at Disney Sea. Love the place!
Met lots of strange characters and tried lots of my favourite rides such as the coaster (6 times), Aquatopia (4 times) and the Disney Electric Railway (3 times). Also went on the big two-storey merry-go-round and had a ride in a vintage car.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Subway Museum in Kasai

As you have probably guessed by now, I'm a big fan of trains. So a few weeks back, I managed to drag mom and dad to the Subway Museum in Kasai (Tokyo). My favourites were there, the Marunouchi & Ginza lines. I also pretended to be a conductor!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Yeah I know, it's been a while...

Gee... can't believe it's been over two months since I last gave you some news.

Well, we had the "world famous" Urayasu fireworks at the end of July, my uncle Luc came over from Canada and I witnessed some kiddie sumo and took a photo with a real sumo wrestler.

Sumo Outing Last Saturday (Aug. 23), we headed somewhere in Tokyo... hmmm.... can't remember the name of the suburb exactly, but we saw some kids having fun at pretending to be sumo wrestlers. They all tried very hard, but none were exactly Asashoryu if you know what I mean. There were a couple of good bouts, a bit of laughter, a few tears and a few bruises.

The highlight though was having the chance to take a photo with a real Sumo wrestler. Trust me, this guy was one of the skinny ones. Also, I don't know why we use "wrestler" in English. "Pusher" might be more appropriate.

Uncle Luc's Visit

From August 10 to the 16th, my uncle Luc came over from Canada for a quick visit. It was nice to see him. We went to Tokyo, Hiroshima and Kobe together. My favourite moment was taking the bullet train and the tram in Hiroshima. Oh yeah... we also caught up with grandma in Kobe, and most important of all, uncle Luc bought me a train before going back to Canada. Can't wait to see him again. He's off to Afghanistan next month, so we wish him all the best and want him to stay safe.

Urayasu Fireworks
-  浦安 花火
At the end of July, we went to see the Urayasu Fireworks in Sogo Park with my friend Yusuke, who attends the same day-care as me. He brought his parents along too, I guess it was a bit late... We all had a good time. The fireworks were great and we had just as much fun running around and having mom & dad run after us. They needed the exercise anyway.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Toy Show at Tokyo Big Sight

On Sunday, we got on the train and headed to Tokyo Big Sight (upside down pyramid building) for the Tokyo Toy Show. Talk about the jackpot! Too many toys to describe. I really enjoyed the An Pan Man slide and drum set... I'm considering a change in career from Formula One to rock star.
Also ran in to those two rodents from Disney... they're everywhere!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Visit to Disney Sea with Mom & Grandma

Last Thursday, I headed out to Disney Sea with mom & grandma (dad was working).
Loved it!
Can't get enough of those kiddy coasters. Lots of fluffy toys walking around too.
Also got to drive an old car! Can't wait to go back when I'm tall enough for the Indiana Jones ride.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sanja Festival in Urayasu - 浦安三社祭

Last Saturday (June 14, 2008), I went to the Sanja Festival in Urayasu with mom & dad. I didn't want to miss it since it only takes place every four years. I'll have to research the history and fill you in later. The weather was perfect. I ran into all of my day-care teachers and several of my mates.
A good time was had by all!!!
Check out the video & photos below.




Visit to Odaiba...

A few weeks back we went to Odaiba (again!). I love it there, tons of stuff to do. This time, we went to the Maritime Museum. Apart from the history of ships (yawn), there was a pool filled with remote controlled boats... now we're talking!

Here's the view from where we were...

The building with the big ball is the Fuji TV building and the upside down pyramid is Tokyo Big Sight.