Since the last time I wrote to you, we've gone through Christmas, New Year's, and Coming of Age Day in Japan. We also celebrated dad's birthday, which coincides with Emperor Akihito's birthday. I think dad said he was 22. I'm not an expert in age yet, but I suspect that I either heard this wrong or that this figure is slightly incorrect.
I got my An Pan Man "Power Shovel" (excavator) for Christmas. Lots of fun. I can now start my own construction projects, much like Bob the Builder. That was very kind of mom and dad, uhhhh... Santa. In return, I gave both mom and dad my cold. We all started 2008 with runny noses.
Grandma also popped in during the holidays, and of course, brought me some goodies too.
Last Saturday, my friend Lucas came over from Australia with his folks. They are traveling around Japan at the moment.
I'll try to be more diligent and write in a bit more often.Talk to you soon!