Monday, October 22, 2007

A visit to the Urayasu Traffic Park

Hi there! It's been a few days, but I'm still here!

On the weekend...
On Saturday, I visited the Urayasu Traffic Park with mom & dad. It's a place where kids (like me) can experience driving and learning about traffic rules, without the actual dangers of the Tokyo traffic. I drove a London Bus, rode a bicycle and enjoyed a car ride powered by dad's legs. The park also has a few animals including a couple of wallabies and goats, which were quite friendly. Can't wait to go back.
On Sunday, I went out to Ikspiari for dinner with mom and dad, and also did a few laps on the Mickey monorail, which I pretend to drive.

New words....
I am now quite comfortable with the whole "please" and "thank you" routine. I find I get much better results with mom & dad that way. Apparently it's polite, although I still don't know what "polite" means yet.

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